Sunday, October 3, 2010


This weekend we had the opportunity to attend the National Adoption Conference: Together for Adoption in Austin, TX. What an experience! We went hoping to gain valuable information that would prepare us for our little girl, but we were unprepared for what God was hoping to gain from us.

Adoption is overwhelming. We listened to and shared a lot of overwhelming things this weekend.

Overwhelming fear: I think most of us start here and visit here throughout the journey. There is the fear of change. The money fear. And for us, the fear of receiving a child with bigger needs than we can handle.

Let's start with the fear of change. My wonderful and wise pastor says "God loves you too much to leave you where your are." So...if you are going to grow as a believer...there WILL be change.

Now let's talk money. Really? Do you think God will not provide a way for you to take in and care for one of His children if you are following His lead?

Our BIG fear has a simple answer as well. We are NOT capable of handling many issues that children from hard places may have, but God IS and I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!

Overwhelming love: There is this growing love in my family for a child we have never met, her family we may never meet and a country we have never seen.

God's amazing love for me. I was once an orphan, lost to sin, but He adopted me into His family by the blood of Jesus. Okay, this was not a surprise. I knew this, but He showed me again with all the beauty and power of His love and He flooded my heart anew.

Overwhelming numbers: How does 163 million orphans in the world sit with you? This is the newest statistic and it is already two years old.

This is one of those numbers that could paralyze us. How does adopting one...or maybe two children help? Well, if THE Church stepped forward and claimed these children as ours. We could have families waiting in line for orphans instead of orphans waiting for families!

That brings me to the overwhelming call: God is the father to the fatherless. He tells us ALL through the Bible to care for the orphans. The insane number of orphans in the world is the only proof needed that we have not been doing this very well.

God broke my heart this weekend and I am praying for the orphans, THE Church, my church and individual families to hear the call of the Spirit and take action to reduce the number of ophans in this world. If God can use me...He can use you!

Lord, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!!! My heart broke several times this weekend. I thank God for it!!! Good things are coming. The Holy Spirit is moving.
